Does SSGC Take Away Meter Due to Non-Payment?

Facing a shut-off notice from SSGC due to unpaid bills? Don’t panic! While SSGC can disconnect your gas supply and remove the meter for non-payment, there are steps you can take to understand the process, ensure safety during meter removal, and get reconnected quickly. This blog post will guide you through everything you need to know about SSGC’s non-payment policies, safety procedures, and reconnection steps.

Is SSGC Take Away Meter Due to Non-Payment? Yes, Sui Southern Gas Company Limited (SSGC) has the right to disconnect your gas supply and remove the meter if you fail to clear outstanding gas dues. This can be a major inconvenience, so it’s important to understand SSGC’s policies and procedures around non-payment.

SSGC’s Disconnection Process

Here’s a breakdown of how SSGC handles non-payment situations:

  • Late Payment Surcharge (LPS): If you miss the due date on your gas bill, SSGC will add a Late Payment Surcharge (LPS) to your outstanding balance. The LPS amount varies depending on your customer category (domestic or industrial/commercial).
  • Disconnection Notice: For persistent non-payment, SSGC will issue a disconnection notice. This notice will inform you of the specific date by which you need to settle your dues to avoid disconnection.

Important Note: Even if the due date for the current bill hasn’t passed, SSGC can disconnect your gas supply if you have outstanding dues from previous bills.

  • Meter Removal: If you fail to clear your dues after receiving the disconnection notice, SSGC will disconnect your gas supply and remove the meter from your premises. This will prevent you from using gas until your dues are settled in full.

Safety Precautions During Meter Removal

SSGC prioritizes safety during meter removal. Here’s what to expect:

  • Authorized Personnel: Only trained and authorized SSGC personnel will handle the meter removal process.
  • Safety Measures: SSGC technicians will take all necessary safety precautions to ensure a safe and controlled meter removal.
  • Post-Removal: Once the meter is removed, the gas pipe will be capped to prevent gas leakage.

What to Do After Meter Removal

If SSGC removes your meter due to non-payment, here’s how to get your gas connection restored:

  1. Clear Your Dues: The first step is to settle all your outstanding gas bills, including any late payment surcharges.
  2. Reconnection Request: Once your dues are cleared, contact SSGC to request a meter reinstallation and gas supply reconnection. There may be a reconnection fee associated with this process.
  3. Meter Reinstallation: An SSGC representative will visit your premises to reinstall the meter and restore your gas supply.

Additional Information on SSGC Billing and Payment

  • Review Your Bills: Regularly review your SSGC bills to ensure you’re aware of your current balance and due date.
  • Payment Options: SSGC offers various payment options for your convenience, including online payments, bank deposits, and payment through designated collection centers.
  • Payment Assistance Programs: In some cases, SSGC may offer payment assistance programs for customers facing financial difficulties. Contact SSGC to inquire about their eligibility criteria.


While SSGC has the right to disconnect your gas supply and remove the meter due to non-payment, it’s always best to avoid this situation. By staying informed about SSGC’s policies, paying your bills on time, and exploring payment assistance options if needed, you can ensure uninterrupted gas service for your home or business.

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