What is Additional GSD in SSGC Gas Bill

Have you ever received your SSGC gas bill and been surprised by an unfamiliar charge labeled “Additional GSD”? You’re not alone! This confusing line item has raised eyebrows and ignited discussions among many gas consumers. So, what exactly is this “Additional GSD”, and why is it appearing on your bills? Dive into this detailed blog post to understand its ins and outs!

Understanding the Basics: GSD Explained

Before delving into the “Additional” part, let’s first establish what GSD stands for: Gas Security Deposit. Essentially, it’s a refundable deposit collected by SSGC to serve as a guarantee against potential unpaid bills or damage to gas equipment during your service period. This deposit amount is typically calculated based on your estimated gas consumption for three months.

The Controversy: Enter the “Additional GSD”

Now, the “Additional GSD” comes into play. This additional charge, introduced by SSGC, has caused much confusion and even criticism. Here’s the crux of the issue:

  • Basis of Calculation: Unlike the regular GSD based on a three-month consumption estimate, the “Additional GSD” is calculated on your actual gas consumption pattern for the preceding financial year. This means the amount can fluctuate significantly depending on your past usage.
  • Refundability: While SSGC claims it’s refundable upon termination of the gas supply contract, many consumers raise concerns about the practicality of such termination. In reality, most customers rarely disconnect gas connections permanently, making the refundability aspect seem more theoretical than tangible.

Concerns and Criticisms: A Mixed Bag of Reactions

The introduction of the “Additional GSD” has drawn mixed reactions:

  • Supporters: Some view it as a way for SSGC to manage potential risks and secure their dues, especially considering rising gas prices and instances of unpaid bills.
  • Critics: Others see it as an indirect way to increase revenue without openly raising tariffs. Concerns surrounding its non-transparent calculation and the limited practical use of its refundability further fuel this criticism.

Transparency and Communication: Key to Addressing Concerns

To dispel confusion and address existing concerns, SSGC needs to prioritize transparency and clear communication. This includes:

  • Detailed breakdowns: Providing explicit explanations on the “Additional GSD” calculation formula and how it differs from the regular GSD.
  • Enhanced communication: Actively informing customers about the purpose and implications of this charge through multiple channels, including bills, website, and social media.
  • Addressing refundability concerns: Clearly outlining the process for claiming refunds at the end of the contract period, including realistic scenarios and timelines.

Ultimately, promoting better understanding and addressing concerns surrounding the “Additional GSD” will help build trust and transparency between SSGC and its consumers.


As a gas consumer, staying informed about your bills and charges is crucial. Keep an eye out for the “Additional GSD” on your SSGC bills and raise questions if any aspect remains unclear. Engage with SSGC through their communication channels to seek clarifications and express your concerns. Remember, open dialogue and understanding are key to navigating the complexities of your gas bills!

We hope this blog post has shed some light on the “Additional GSD” and empowered you to be a more informed consumer. Let’s keep the conversation going by sharing your experiences and thoughts in the comments below!

Disclaimer: This blog post is based on publicly available information and aims to provide general knowledge. For specific queries or concerns regarding your SSGC gas connection and bills, it’s always best to contact SSGC directly through their official channels.

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